Stepping out of my comfort zone: From Event Organizer to Stand-Up Comedian

 In 2024, I received several work requests in areas I had never explored before. Rather than shy away from these new challenges — better described as opportunities — I embraced them with the mindset of Pippi Longstocking:

I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.”

One of the most unexpected requests? Becoming a professional comedian — at least for one night.

My First Stand-Up Comedy Gig

I’ve always been known for my Jenni-jokes — not exactly award-winning material — but humor and wordplay come naturally to me. In our household, we speak two languages daily. That makes me extra aware of how words and their meanings can create fun and unexpected twists.

So, when a client asked me to perform a 30-minute stand-up comedy show at an NGO’s annual party, I took a deep breath and said yes! It had been a long time since I felt that kind of nervous excitement before stepping on stage, but once the adrenaline kicked in, I delivered my set exactly as planned. The audience laughed at all the right moments, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

Why You Should Say Yes to New Challenges

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be intimidating, but it’s often where the best growth happens. Even when I tried to warn the client that stand-up wasn’t my usual gig, they believed I would pull it off — and they were right.

This experience reinforced an important lesson:
If there’s a will, there’s a way.

So, whether it’s event planning, public speaking, or even stand-up comedy — why not take the leap? You never know where it might lead.

Photos: Kirsi Innanen